Saturday, February 19, 2011

Line Composition Sketches

Sketching for this project ended up being quite a task for me. It really was like starting with a completely blank canvas. However, once I referenced the images I took, it helped give me direction in creating my masterpieces!

Looking back, the first couple I did, I actually don't like. As I progressed with my sketches, I think I started to be more comfortable with it. The last 4 are probably my favorites, but before they can be considered for my final project, they definitely need some work!

The last image, was inspired by the Bridget Riley pieces. I loved them!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Composition Project

This image has good composition as it incorporates all 6 Elements of Art. The object of focus is the hummingbird feeder. It has a red color, smooth texture, round shape, and takes up a good amount of space. The lines created by the feeder help move your eye up the image, and the texture of the plants in the back move your eye across the image. The combination of all the elements creates effective variety in the image. 
This image is simple yet complex. There is a lot of movement in the image, between he straight lines of the street lamp and the intricate branches in the tree. The colors in the sky compliment the simple color of the tree. The space is used well and the image is pulled together with the repititon of the straight lines within the tree. Between the colors, shapes, lines and use of space this image has good composition.

This image has good composition as there is a focal point. The lines created by the texture   on the shed, wood and grass all lead you to the top center of the page. The textures bring variety to the image and help create an asymmetrical balance. The different yet similar colors and textures create a simple unity in the image.

This image lacks good composition. The tree is the focal point,however the placement within the image is poor. There is a lot going on in this image making it look not unified. There is no balance and the tree seems somewhat 'in jail'.